First Person Complex Care is a specialist Nurse-led care provider based in Staffordshire.

We work closely with families and those commissioning services on their behalf to deliver flexible, responsive, high quality home and community based services.

We can also provide expert advice and bespoke training solutions for individuals and organisations working with children and adults who have a range of needs.

Our services are provided across Staffordshire.

See Map >

Talk to us about your individual care needs
01785 413232

Our ethos

As a Nurse-led organisation, we share the values of the NHS and strive to deliver care excellence by adopting current best practice. We are committed to the principles of personalisation and recognise the importance of supporting clients and families to make decisions about the design and delivery of their care and support.

Our services, at all times, recognise and embrace the values of the 6C’s in nursing and social care which underpin the culture and practice of our organisation:

• Care
• Compassion
• Competence
• Communication
• Courage
• Commitment

We encourage an open dialogue with all our staff and clients and have rigorous systems in place to support them to raise any concerns at an early stage. We welcome their constructive suggestions and involvement to positively inform the continued evolution of our services.

We recognise and support the need for community engagement. Our services are localised and we actively encourage and support opportunities for community involvement and integration.

Aims & Objectives

We aim to deliver outstanding, high quality, tailored care services in the local community and to become the preferred choice for local families, professionals and Commissioners.

We recognise that our staff are our greatest asset and we are therefore committed to high quality, client relevant training. We aim to establish a training programme that exceeds expectations and equips our nursing and care staff to deliver outstanding care and support to the children, adults and families in their care.

Provider’s Name & Legal Status

First Person Complex Care Limited (CQC Provider ID: 1-7499313383) is an ‘Organisation’ in accordance with the Health and Social Care Act 2008, Regulation 12, Schedule 3 and is based at Suite 15 Darwin House, Lakhpur Court, Dyson Way, Staffordshire Technology Park, Stafford, Staffordshire ST18 0FX. Its contact details are: Tel. 01785 413232 and Email:, which can be used for the service of all notices and other documents.

Personal Care and Treatment of Disease, Disorder and Injury services as ‘Regulated Activities’ will be provided as a Domiciliary Care Service (DCC) in the local community in client homes to children and adults with complex needs, during transition and in adulthood. The Registered Manager for these Activities is Ms Jennie Watson who is contactable at the above address and on and she will also act as the officer responsible for the receipt and review of any complaints/compliments and other issues.